Tuesday 30 November 2010

Ancillary Tasks: Advertisment research

I have analysied some music magazines that feature bands that have a similar brand image to ours, i am going to research into how brands market their new albums/singles in magazines that are seen by their target audience, magazines such as NME, Q and Rolling Stone. In order for artists/bands to sell albums, they need to market and advertise their products so that their target audience is encouraged to purchase them. By featuring in a magazine, typically for the bands genre, this gives them a good chance to sell their products to the right market of people. When a band are advertising their products there are lots of things that they need to think about, such as: Where to advertise, how to advertise, shots, lighting, mise en scene and text included etc.

Arctic Monekys (Album- Favourite worst nightmare)

This picture shows Arctic Monkeys on the front cover of the indie magazine NME, they are advertising their new album 'Favourite Worst Nightmare' hoping that people who like the 'indie' genre will buy it. Arctic Monkeys have been very clever and advertised their album  to come out just before christmas, this is a very good advertising technique as people will buy it as present. It shows the band dressed up as elves which catches your eye at first glance, something that the band want to achieve. The bands name is in big bold letters as peope who buy NME magazine will be very farmiliar with the band, so it will encourage them to read on. I think Arctic Monkeys have been very clever by advertising their new album in this way, it shows the lead singer at the front of the shot because fans will be most farmiliar with him. Even though the band are dressed up, their is still serious exressions on their faces which i think suits their brand image very well. 

This is another feature of the band Arctic Monkeys on their album 'Favourite Worst Nightmare', this is also advertised in the same magazine as before (NME) but inside the band have taken a different approach and done a page spread of the album inside the magazine. This page is an interview with the band discuissing what the album is about which i feel is a great advertisment technique, it will encourage fans to become farmiliar with the album and be attracted to buying it. The page also included quotes from various people who 'big up' the album, which is a good persuasive technique. I think that the layout of the page really suits the brand image of the band, the shot of them is very plan and of a serious manner which is what the bands brand image includes. It shows them in simple, stylish clothes which are also what the band are known for. The lighting of the shot is very affective, the background is plain and the lights are focused on the band which helps to catch your eye at first glance. The colour sceeme of the page, also matches the album that they are advertising which makes the page look neat and catches your eye as it is not overpowering.

By Emma

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