Thursday 25 November 2010

research - digipacks examples

Aswell as producing a music video, we also have to produce auxilary tasks, which are to produce four album pannels and 2 magazine advertisments. First, we are going to analyse album covers that are related to our brand image for the music video we are producing. Our brand image is english rock and roll, rebelious adolesence, working class etc and the genre our music video will be is 'indie rock and roll'.  Below are some of the best examples of covers that would work really well to create our brand image:

This is The Rolling Stones album cover for their album 'Beggars Banquet'. I think this album cover pefrectly sums up the brand image that we are trying to protray. It is gritty, dirty and scruffy, exactly the kind of toilet you would find in a rock and roll night club. It gives off conotations such as drug use which is what our music video 'bad candy' is featured around. The yellow tint of the shot gives it a old effect and the writting on the walls adds in the music side of this album as bands have singed there name on the far wall. The cover hits the rebelious, adolesence music scene as you would probably find a teenager taking drugs or being sick (rock and roll liftstyle). We will be using ideas and things this album cover wants to protray in our own music album cover as we think that it gives off the rock as roll/drug abuse/realsim that our music video will also show. Our brand image also includes the working class, this album cover defitnatley gives off conotations of working class, as the toilet is run down and very basic. This is a conotation that has been shown well in this cover and we will take ideas from this. Props in this shot also work very well, there is an empty bottle which looks like a bottle of licque. This gives off the impression of being rebelious which is part of the brand image we want to create.

This is a cover called 'Shotters Nation' for the English Indie band Babyshambles. I particularly like the creativity of this cover which gives off the conotations of artistic and independant which is definartley a part of our brand image. The image is rough and careless which shows the rock and roll side of this cover. The images work particularly well to create the brand image similar to ours as it gives off conotations of sex with the women in her underwear and drugs as a man is lying on the floor, these images really show the brand image of rebelious, rock and roll. I also like the black and white effect that the cover has, as it gives off the working class, nitty gritty effect which is something we are interested in using. The writing of the band is rough and in your face, which is also what the music in 'Bad Candy' is.

By Emma

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