Monday 8 November 2010

Synopsis: Narrative of Our Music Video

Our story begins by introducing the two protagonists played by Thom McGuire and Fallon Hilton. The basic story line is that they are both hooked on cocaine, go separately on a night out but bump into each other in a pub and wake up together in the morning. The video will be mainly split screen showing each on either side. During the night, our protagonists will meet each other, the split screens will go into one and then they will go into each others lives. Fallon will enter the cocaine live and Thom will enter Fallon's life and just been on a night out to have fun. However, both screens will join together to become one when we show the morning after and they are lying in bed together.

As we are doing a narrative video, we have to think about and consider the narrative theories of Propp, Todorov, Barthes and Levi Strauss.


According to Propp, every narrative should consist of some or all of the eight main characters - The Hero, The Villain, The Helper, The Dispatcher, The Donor, The Princess, The Father and The False Hero.

Our narrative consists of -

  • The Hero - this is both of our protagonists. They are both hero's as they have to achieve a good night out and enjoy life as a young adult. 
  • The Villain - this could be the protagonists friends trying to look after their friend and stopping their fun.
  • The Helper - this is the friends of the protagonists as they are also on a night out and out to have fun, whilst helping the hero's enjoy their night out too. 
  • The Donor - this will be the cocaine. This is because it'll help the hero's on their way to a good night out. 
  • The Princess - the focus for the hero's will be to have a good night and have plenty cocaine. 

Todorov's theory can be simplified down to equilibrium, disruption, re-equilibrium. Our narrative includes this theory. 

  • Equilibrium - Our narrative equilibrium is the protagonists getting ready for a night out and having a normal night out with friends.
  • Disruption - They are out on a night out, taking cocaine and ending up in bed together. 
  • Re-Equilibrium - They wake up next to each other but they just carry on with their everyday lives. 

Barthes theory consists of questions being asked at the beginning of the narrative and then being answered at the end of the narrative if it is a linear narrative, other wise the 'enigma codes' are left open. 

The enigma codes in our narrative music video are: 
What is happening on the nights out?
Who is who?
Will they make it home ok?
Do they know each other?
How did they end up in bed together?
These questions are put across to the audience to conform multi-viewing of the music video as the audience would like to answer the questions and to see if they missed anything the first time around when they watched it. 


With Levi-Strauss theory it suggests that all meaning was gathered by binary oppositions. These are evident in any narrative media product and they are evident in our media video. 
Good VS Bad
Weak VS Strong
Taking drugs VS just out to have a good time.

By Richard, Emma and Romany

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